Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Whew. I survived.

Next version of Adobe Lightroom is out the door.

Last week was a very busy week, what with releasing software and all. So, no blogging, and not much knitting. And, no photos of what I'm working on yet. Not to mention the 4 day long headache...

I ended up in 3 doctors offices in 5 days - one for me. I suffer from Migraines (hence the long headache). Icky, nasty things. I went to the Doctor on Friday, and got put on Beta Blockers to see if that will help. So far, so good.

Monday I took Sabrina to the Doctor, because her thumb sprain from last Spring is acting up again. Its driving her nuts because it hurts to write, hurts to draw, hurts to play video games, hurts to play cello, and hurts to knit. (that last...) She will go to therapy starting next week.

Then, yesterday I took this guy to the doctor.

This is Tigger. He's a 13 year old sweetie of a cat. (OK. He's also my pest from hell. These are not incompatible. ) He vomited a few times Monday night, and was very lethargic. He was found to be a bit constipated, and they gave him subcutaneous fluids. The vet sent out blood tests, and took X-rays. His blood tests came back today and he has elevated Liver enzymes, and elevated Muscle enzymes, and possible issues with his GI tract. Poor baby. He could be a seriously sick kitty. At least he seems to be feeling better today. (He's asleep next to me on the couch right now). I'll be taking him back next week for a recheck of the blood tests and a recheck on the x-ray. Then we'll move forward from there.

If you can spare a good wish or two for my Tigger kitty, I would appreciate it.