Tuesday, February 08, 2005


That's what I'm trying to hold on to. I have to finish one of my projects before I can start anything else.

No matter what lovely pictures Nathania posts of her Must Have aran. (Go. Look. Isn't it gorgeous?). Nope. Must finish either the baby sweater, Lara, or my poor Kersti Ribby.

But, I have made progress.

I have 1 sleeve done on the baby sweater. Second is started - should be done soon. (by Friday) (really). I've made progress on the Ribby sleeve - not that I've finished it yet, but I'm almost done with the increases. That's something, right?

Hmmm.. no progress on Lara.

Oh. And I'm up to the thumb gusset on the Natalya mitts. (If its a small project, it doesn't count that I've started them without finishing anything else, does it?)

I think what I really need is to learn to knit faster. I'm thinking like a knitting coach - someone who can analyze my knitting style and give me pointers to streamline my knitting and go faster... sigh. Or, maybe, I should just find more time.

But I definately need to not succumb. I have yarn sitting here for Blaze. I could easily find yarn for the Must Have Aran. I love the Market Basket from the latest Vogue Knitting.

Anyone want to enter a no new projects pact with me? I thought not... what's the fun in that.

Gotta finish...

I did finish my GBA Zelda:Minish Cap game. Much fun! I'm playing it again... because there's this sidequest that I _almost_ finished... you match medallion halves with characters in the game - something like 120 of them, and I got all but 15. So I have to do it again. Not obsessive AT ALL. Nope!

Still under the weather. Pushed it a bit to far this weekend. Tried to go to voice lessons on Monday - It hurts to hold sustained notes. I worked on my patter song, which was fine. But then sang through one of my other pieces, and my chest aches again.

Please send thoughts and prayers to the baby of friends of mine. He's going in for surgery tomorrow.