Friday, June 17, 2005


That's all I've been knitting. Fish.

I've lost one, though. I should have finished 5 turquoise fishies by now - but I can only find 4. My fish are swimming away! (or floating to the top of the tank - take your pick.)

But. 12 Green fishes - DONE
5/12 Blue Fishes - DONE
1 Blue fish MIA.
1 Blue fish 1/2 done.

And lots of driving this weekend. My Mom-in-law is moving Saturday so we're heading down to help. But before that - I'm going rock climbing. Yes - the person so scared of heights that standing on a chair requires an act of will is putting on harness and climbing up a cliff face. We havent' done this in years.... My husband is out at the climbing site as I type, and I'm leaving momentarily to pick up Sabrina and head to WI to climb up a cliff.(not an indoor rock wall - outdoor, natural cliff faces overlooking a river. Awesome....) I might even post a picture as proof later.

I did do stash enhancement yesterday. Though I shouldn't - I've been sorting my stash and getting it put away, which let me know exactly how much yarn I'm hiding away. But Birch was calling my name. And, there was this yummy kettle-dyed merino wool (Malabrigo) that was butter-soft. Pictures later.

Now I'm off to enjoy the sunshine!