Thursday, July 01, 2004

Light Knitting Week

My husband is out of town - therefore I don't knit.* I chase kids, and watch TV, and go hide early. That, and I spent Monday with my Mom for her birthday. And, Tuesday my sister came up for a couple days. We talked, giggled, and played video games after the kids were in bed and before I had to crash, because I don't do mornings well, and I've needed to get my older daughter on a bus before 7:10 am. Why do summer activities start earlier than school? Answer me that!

My sister is awesome. Actually, both my sisters are pretty cool, but my youngest sister and I have a bunch in common. And, I see her more often since she's a senior at a local college, and our in-between sister has just finished her Masters in Arizona. (Yea!) My little sis is more cynical than I am, though.

Hmmm... what may have never come up before is the part where I love video games. I'm currently working through Zelda Four Swords Aventures on my Cube, and will get back to Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles soon. And, Mario and Luigi Superstars on the Game Boy. And Dark Cloud 2 on the PS2. Oh, and the guys at work and I have been playing Unreal Tournament 2004 recently as well.

I kinda collect consoles - I have the aforementioned GBA, Game Cube and PS2, along with a n64, a SNES, and a Dreamcast. My husband puts up with me :-) I also am fond of board games and card games...

When I lived in CA and worked at a large computer company named like a fruit, I was required (as a lead) to have a team meeting either weekly or bi-weekly. ;Well... my team was small, and we all sat together in a converted lab (though we all sat in cubes, we did have a door on the room, so the 5 of us could at least shut out the rest of the floor. And we had windows.) Even though my team was consistently up to date on the project stuff, we did still have to have a meeting. So, one guy went for Juice Club (now called Jamba Juice - best smoothies ever), and we shut that aforementioned door and have our meeting. 5 minutes - I had brought everyone up to date (10 minutes on big news days). Then, we broke open the cabinet and took out the board games. (The one I remember is Don't Crack the Ice). Or, we'd play Marathon - one of the first FPS's for the Mac. And a great game. I figured it was team-building. :-)

*OK... some knitting has occured. But not much - the Kersti blanket is inching toward completeness. Thanks everyone who said they couldn't see the skein change. I'll believe you all that I'm just hyper-critical about these things (which is amazingly true). And, I've thrown on a couple more rows of duck feet. And, the amazingly pink purse is inching toward the point where I can knit handles.

Oh... and I started my gauge swatch for my Kersti sweater! No pics yet - but it is knitting up rather beautifully!!