Friday, April 16, 2004

triviaThis weekend I'm in Wisconsin - Stevens Point for the World's Largest Trivia Contest. Not much sleep for me this weekend!

Not much knitting - working on the blue waves blanket, but no pics. Its been kinda frustrating - I've ripped it out four times. Twice because I went up 2 needle sizes to get a fabric I liked, twice because I screwed up the AMAZINGLY simple pattern...

But, I'm ready to start the second section - the white section.

I had cast on the baby blanket I'm knitting from Koigu Kersti - the blanket from Stich n Bitch. Unfortunately, I had cast on a couple too many stitches and knit the first couple rows. Only 30 extra stitches... so I've ripped that out and am starting over there too.... BUT the baby who is getting this blanket is here at Trivia and is so adorable.

I'm looking forward to getting these baby blankets done and knit something for myself. Greta had asked just what I was planning on knittng when I got to knit for myself - I came up with this list:

* I started a Booga bag. I'd like to get further than the second row.
* I started swatching the Liv sweater from Elizabeth Lavold's Viking Knits book (
* I'd love to make a Sitcom Chic sweater.
* There's a great cardigan in the latest VK (Stephanie blogs about it here:
* I've long loved the Obi from Simply Knit... In some other colors, but I love the style.
Hmm... And going back further - I've got another Elizabeth Lavold design on the needles that I still like - the one from Knitters a few years back. I bought yarn years ago to make a long lace coat from Jean Moss's Sculptured Knits (hmmm, that book was published in 1999 - I've had the yarn for close to 5 years - think its aged enough?). I have a great kit for a cardigan in maroon boucle yarn, a solid sweater, but it has a Norwegian cardigan cut, up to the silver clasps for closings.

Isnt' that sad... one would think I never finish anything. (Granted, one would be right :-) )

Friday, April 09, 2004

OK, now this is scaryJust in time for Easter -

Peep Diaoramas!!!

Be sure to click on the "more photos" link on the side to see these wonders...

To whet your appetite, I give you these:

Have a Happy Easter everyone!!!!

Wednesday, April 07, 2004

Finished!I think I had that nasty cold that's being passed around the blog rings... :-). I had a very bronchil feeling cold last Wednesday and Thursday, the Little One had a cold Wed. and Thurs. as well, and the Big One is coming down with one this week. And, I'm still coughing and congested. Ick. I'm ready to feel better.

Since I spent the last week resting a bit, I have actual FINISHED ITEMS!

See - the circular baby blanket is done, and blocking. Please ignore the 2 colored towels behind it - its larger than my blocking boards, and I can lay it out in this room and keep my cats off of it.

I'm really happy with how this turned out - except in the last 15 rows or so of the edging, I dropped a stitch. I'm going to cheat and sew it onto the edging... not going to rip that out, no way.

Unfortunately, I finished it a day late. My cousin and her baby were visiing our grandma this weekend, and while I couldn't get down there to see them, my dad would have been able to take the blanket with him on Friday.... unfortunately, blocking wasn't finished until Saturday morning. I'll get it mailed to Nebraska this week.

I also finished one pair of the Duck Feet

and a baby bonnet i had started an age ago, and just got the Icord on in the last few hours.

These two are going to another baby on my baby list.

Other than that, I've increased my yarn stash... need to stop doing that, huh. I got a wonderful Lornas Laces sampler afghan kit from The Boys in yummy purples (I'll take pics later), and some of the new Lion Brand Landscapes yarn in the Summer Fields colorway.

In other project updates, the dark blue Waves blanket I have a pic of 2 posts back has been ripped back. I'm starting over yet again one needle size up, as I don't like the drape of the fabric yet.

And, I'm still working on the icord pieces - all done with the blue and light purple... dark purple and pink yet to come.