Thursday, June 30, 2005


My brain is fried. 3 days of wall to wall meetings. Decisions. Technical Discussion. Boy do I need the weekend... what, you say I've still got a day left? Sigh.

(Don't get me wrong... we've had some fun. But the cumulative effects leave me with no brain.)

Into this environment jumps my Secret Pal - amazing woman! She made me laugh last night. I got a package... ripped it open and found this inside:

The card says something about (don't have it with me, so can't quote right now) noticing I was being kept busy by fish... so here were fish goodies and stuff to pamper myself with.

What was in those pretty packages? I ripped them open lickety-split to find:

Goldfish Crackers, Fish Candy, Chocolate (mmmm... chocolate with almonds), and foot spa treatments and Bath Tea, bath soap. And vanilla lip gloss :-)

Thank you Secret Pal!!!! You made my week!


Fish are done. Fish are blocked. Fish are ALMOST completely attached - only 1/2 strip to go! Then the outer edging needs to be added.

(Pics later)

So... what have I been knitting? More fish! I promised fish place-mats for my sis and her roommate (appropriately named Fish). These are Silver and Blue Fish -

2.2 / 8 Silver fish finished
0 / 8 Blue Fish finished.

And... I started Birch. I love the color I've picked - but hate its name. Its called Drab. Ick - its not drab. Its a lovely, muted green. (color 588 if you want to search and see.) No pics yet - its not interesting yet!

Have a Great Weekend!!

Friday, June 24, 2005

Block Party!

Blue Fish finished = 12/12
Green Fish finished = 12/12

Blocking - done

Finishing - yep. Lots of that to do.

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

This is what I did on Friday. I went rock climbing - pretty good for a person afraid of heights, no? Its fun... granted, for me, I predominately enjoy being outside and watching the others (like my husband) - but I keep trying to work on this fear of heights one way or another.

Someone who doesn't share my fear is Sabrina. Lookithere....

Look how high she got - on her second climb ever! I'm so proud of here. And, as you can tell -

She had a great time.

Monday, June 20, 2005

Quick Fish Update

Lost fish - FOUND (WhooHoo!)
Turquoise fish - finished 10/12
CO fish 11

Green Fish - still 12/12

Trying to decide whether I should make a 20 fish blanket so I can start Birch... trying for virtue here.

Life = busy.

Blogging = quick.

Melissa = going to bed now.


Friday, June 17, 2005


That's all I've been knitting. Fish.

I've lost one, though. I should have finished 5 turquoise fishies by now - but I can only find 4. My fish are swimming away! (or floating to the top of the tank - take your pick.)

But. 12 Green fishes - DONE
5/12 Blue Fishes - DONE
1 Blue fish MIA.
1 Blue fish 1/2 done.

And lots of driving this weekend. My Mom-in-law is moving Saturday so we're heading down to help. But before that - I'm going rock climbing. Yes - the person so scared of heights that standing on a chair requires an act of will is putting on harness and climbing up a cliff face. We havent' done this in years.... My husband is out at the climbing site as I type, and I'm leaving momentarily to pick up Sabrina and head to WI to climb up a cliff.(not an indoor rock wall - outdoor, natural cliff faces overlooking a river. Awesome....) I might even post a picture as proof later.

I did do stash enhancement yesterday. Though I shouldn't - I've been sorting my stash and getting it put away, which let me know exactly how much yarn I'm hiding away. But Birch was calling my name. And, there was this yummy kettle-dyed merino wool (Malabrigo) that was butter-soft. Pictures later.

Now I'm off to enjoy the sunshine!

Friday, June 10, 2005

Whoa. Where'd the week go? You mean its Friday? Gah.

Busy week. Saw She Loves Me at the Guthrie Theater - very, very good. Its one of my favorite musicals (little known, though. The story is essentially You've Got Mail (based off the same source material), but the musical predates the movie by 30 years). Tonight was a piano recital. Sunday was duet time in church.

Knitting is underway. (slowly, but underway) I'm valiantly trying to avoid the Lace bug that has bitten the knit-blogosphere. Trying hard. Still knitting fish. (but.. I did find my abandoned Elfin Lace Shawl. And bought yarn for another shawl. And, am in love with the Lily of the Valley stole at Fiddlesticks Knitting.)


Half done with fish - 12 green fish done. And 2 blue fish. Ah, those blue fish. Somehow after knitting 12 green ones, I'm making stupid mistakes on the blue ones - I've had to rip out and reknit so many times, I think I've knit the equivalent of 4 blue fish. Groan.

No current pictures - but to distract from that... here's a fish variation!

This fish was knit with 2 strands of multi-color rayon-blend yarn (shiny) (from very old Cherry Tree Hill grab-bags), and 1 strand gold thread on size 9 (or so) needles. The pattern is the same as in Knitters 53. I knit two, seamed them around the edge. Cut a lining out of black stuff, tacked it around the mouth. Fringed around the fin and off the bottom, randomly added beads. Handle is i-Cord.

The fish was inspired by Neil Gaiman's Delirium from the Sandman comics. In one of them (I forget - maybe The Kindly Ones...sorry) Delirium is walking down the street trailed by a tropical fish on a leash. (I love Delirium). This is my interpretation of that fish in knitting - and as a purse.